Leading up to Christmas and the New Year, there is always a flurry of new weight-loss drugs on the market that promise to have the answer to getting rid of stubborn stomach fat and those few extra pounds.

When you go online, you’re immediately bombarded with ads and campaigns for new miracle drugs guaranteed to help you lose weight without having to diet or exercise.

Marketing quotes like "strongest and most advanced fat loss supplement on the market" spring to mind.

These companies will go to every length to take your hard earned cash, by playing on words which trigger an emotional response to your current situation.

Please do not be fooled by these over-hyped marketing scams.

At its core, being overweight is associated with excess food consumption, a bucket load of stress and little or no exercise.

If you want to make changes, then you have to correct your lifestyle and that starts by what you choose to put in your mouth each day.

The sooner people realise that hard work and discipline with your diet will elicit weight loss, the better.

Changing your nutrition habits via decreasing sugar and starchy carb intake, combined with regular exercise is key and you will be on the right track.

Results won’t be life changing immediately, but by understanding that it is a gradual journey, you will be better prepared to ride the weight loss rollercoaster.

Accepting the fact that it will take a great deal of effort is the first hurdle, but once you get over that, you’ll know it’s worth it.

Don’t look for shortcuts and tackle your new exercise and nutrition goals head on!
