A touchy subject here potentially, given peoples deep love for Coke, Fanta and Sprite etc.

I know that for some of you, the thought of easing up on fizzy drink consumption would be horrendous.

That said, I do feel strongly about this and want to educate people about the facts.

How many of you actually know about the contents and or negative affects linked to fizzy drinks?

Or are you well aware of them, but just choose to turn a blind eye or ignore them.

The message here is NOT one of ‘you must stop’ drinking them as that would unfeasible, but I would urge people to consider drinking them in MODERATION and not overindulge or rely on them as your primary source of fluid intake.


Because there are various evidence based studies highlighting the problems associated with soft drinks. Here are just a few:

(1) They contain caffeine which is a mild stimulant and a diuretic, but they also contain sodium (salt), 45mg per can. Taking on sodium and losing water as a result of the caffeine equals increased thirst. And invariably, what do people do? They drink more of the stuff.

(2) These drinks are full of sugar (39g per can), chemicals and in most instances have zero nutritional value.

(3) They are bad for your oral hygiene, as the sugar can line your teeth and can lead to tooth decay.

(4) Diet fizzy drinks, which many people opt for as an alternative are often packed full of artificial sweeteners, which are not safe for our health over the long term.

(5) Soft drinks can alter our metabolism, so that our muscles use sugar for energy instead of burning fat.

(6) Our metabolism becomes less efficient and less able to cope with spikes in blood sugar, which leads weight gain.

If you can, hydrate with WATER as your No1 choice. The body needs water to function optimally, but its benefits extend far beyond being a necessity for everyday health.
