There are a million ways to motivate yourself to exercise. And trust me, I’ve had days when I’ve struggled with exercise mainly because of tiredness.

For many of us it is that first session, which is the biggest hurdle, but once you have cleared it, you will be on track for further progress.

The trick to exercising regularly is getting creative and tapping your natural motivations.

Things that have helped me recently include; finding a workout partner (one of the best motivators), logging my workouts, reading magazines, books and websites, and rewarding myself after a solid week.

Here are some fail proof pointers to think about, which will hopefully motivate you towards that first or next exercise session:

(1) How you feel after a workout - People get a great buzz after a good workout. It’s a high and a sense of accomplishment. That feeling becomes addictive and let that motivate you for the next session.

(2) Calories burned - If you count calories (and it’s really one of the most effective ways to lose weight), you know that the more you exercise, the more calories you burn — and the bigger your calorie deficit.

(3) How you’re going to look - Imagine a slimmer, fitter you. Now let that mental image drive you through the ups and downs towards achieving your goal.

(4) Read online - Blogs and Vlogs about people who are into exercise, fitness classes or losing weight are hugely powerful. It can show the ups and downs that they go through, and you can learn from their experiences.

(5) Stress relief – Frustrated after a long day of meetings? Get out and work off that stress by completing a workout.

(6) Buy a gadget - Equipment that allows you to monitor your progress - such as activity trackers and heart rate monitors. People who use these gadgets are more active and exercise greater amounts that the normal population.
