Picture this, it’s mid-afternoon and you’re only halfway through your to-do list, but until you get a serious coffee or sugar hit, all you can think about is sneaking off for a cheeky power nap.

Ring a bell?

Those overwhelming responsibilities and demands can drain every ounce of energy before the day is even close to ending.

Are you constantly tired of feeling tired all the time? Join the club. We’ve all been there.

It has been hypothesised that we are suffering from a worldwide energy crisis sparked by lifestyles that leave us rushed, strained and running on empty.

Different circumstances dictate the level of tiredness, but there are certainly things we can do to help.

We all tend to blame tiredness on a busy lifestyle and nine times out of ten you are spot on. But if you are feeling tired all the time and your constantly asking yourself ‘why am I so tired’, I would always recommend seeing your local GP for bloods. Better to rule everything out first and foremost.

When that is done and you know it’s not anything medical, instead of fuelling up on coffee and chocolate bars, try these healthy, energy-boosting tips -

(1) EXERCISE – Ideally first thing in the morning can help set the tone for the day. Exercise helps our circulation, oxygen delivery and helps get rid of toxins. Most importantly it helps channel adrenaline and dissolves stress.

(2) DIET – Fuel your cells with good quality lean meats, fish, fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Look to vitamins only if you have a deficiency as prescribed by your GP.

(3) SLEEP - Is easily one of the best meditation out there. Aim to be in bed by 10 pm and rise by 7am. Make your bedroom dark, quiet and clean with fresh ventilation. Avoid stimuli such as caffeine, alcohol and emotional conversations pre bed as they will leave your mind wondering.

(4) HYDRATION – A lack of fluids is a major cause of fatigue, since they transport nutrients and oxygen to our cells and organs. At least eight cups (two litres) of fluids per day is advised to stay properly hydrated. Ditch fizzy soft drinks and coffee and keep a bottle of the clear stuff by your side throughout the day.

(5) IRON CHECK - Sluggishness, especially in women, may be a sign of low iron, which helps the blood absorb energy-producing oxygen. Key sources of iron is red meat as well as seafood, whole grains, leafy green vegetables and legumes, so make sure your diet is balanced.
