At this time of year, people will often opt for a health drive following their Christmas overindulgence.

Before embarking on a weight-loss journey, it is advisable to prepare your body for a newer, healthier, cleaner way of eating.

A short cleanse will help you to eliminate those dreaded sugar cravings, reboot the digestive system and prepare you for a health drive.

Foods with insoluble fibre promote speedy digestion and help flush out your gut.

The purpose of any detox plan is to take pressure off your detoxifying organs (liver, kidneys and bowel) whilst supporting and improving their performance.

If you want to fast track your health, give your body a break, or just want to detox, then refer to the below.

The following foods listed are amongst the best "cleanse" choices that you can implement into your diet:

(1) Avocado - very nutritious and contains a wide variety of nutrients, including 20 different vitamins and minerals. They also provide heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids which is essential for liver pathway cleansing.

(2) Broccoli - has a strong, positive impact on our body's detoxification system. It also contains a flavonoid called, kaempferol which has unique anti-inflammatory benefits.

(3) Green tea - is richer in antioxidants than white and black teas, which will help to boost your immune system. The caffeine in green tea also helps to alleviate bloating by counteracting water retention.

(4) Milk thistle - a biggy for promoting liver detoxification (hangover aid). It contains a mixture of polyphenolic compounds (plant protectors) that assist liver cells in removing toxins from healthy blood cells.

(5) Natural yogurt - contains probiotics and supplies healthy bacteria that fortify the gastrointestinal tract's natural flora, aiding digestion and boosting the body's natural immune responses.
