It is estimated that the average person over the Christmas period can gain anything from one to four kilograms.

This might not sound like a lot but research has identified that weight gained over the holiday period is rarely lost by the majority of people.

Why not approach things differently this year and make Christmas 2016 the year that you don’t have to ask for a larger belt.

Yes it's tough and yes you'll have to make some calculated decisions, but ultimately you'll feel better about yourself in the long run and it won't be all doom and gloom come January when your annoyed at your potential weight gain.

Try the tips below to help you avoid the infamous Christmas waist expander:

(1) Be strategic - Christmas day itself doesn’t do the damage. It's the weeks of abandoning healthy habits in the run-up. Plan how you’ll deal with the festivities, when you can eat and drink whatever you like, but also when you are going to scale back during the rest of the holiday. Balance is key.

(2) Start your days with exercise - Morning workouts can help ensure better behaviour for the remainder of the day. You'll then have less cravings for those high-fat treats that every house has stocked up with and are in arms reach. It also benefits you physically and puts you in a proactive mindset to be more careful about what you eat for the rest of the day.

(3) Fill up on the best - A protein packed breakfast of eggs (protein) & smoked salmon (omega 3) will reduce the likelihood of snacking. Go with a decent serving of turkey (rich in protein & immune-boosting selenium), plus your standard vegetables for dinner.

(4) Avoid mindless eating - Christmas TV and that box of Quality Street springs to mind. It doesn’t take long to polish off a dozen or so and then say hello to an extra 550 calories. There is no need and it's easy to get carried away, so beware.

(5) Make healthy swaps - Simple substitutions can painlessly cut calories. Instead of throwing your eating habits, and sanity upside down, focus on making simple food swaps.
