Easter Is The Little Sibling Of Christmas In Terms Of Weight Gain

Over the Easter period people are surprised when they gain anything from 1-4 lbs in weight. Times have changed. Treats such as Easter eggs are almost 3 x the size they were when I was growing up. But more importantly weight gained over any holiday period is rarely lost by the majority of people.

Why not approach things differently this year and make Easter 2017 the year that you don’t have to ask for a larger belt.

Yes it's tough and yes you'll have to make some calculated decisions, but ultimately you'll feel better about yourself in the long run and it won't be all doom and gloom next week when your back at work and annoyed at your potential weight gain.

Try the tips below to help you avoid the infamous Easter waist expander.

Bullet Proof Action Plan:

(1) BE STRATEGIC - Easter Sunday itself doesn't do the damage. People go ballistic all weekend from Good Friday into Easter Monday. Plan how you’ll deal with all the chocolate eggs. Moderation is key, not a reckless regard for eating and classic binge overindulgence.

(2) START WITH EXERCISE - Morning workouts can help ensure better behaviour for the remainder of the day. You'll then have less cravings for those high-fat/sugary treats that are in arms reach. It also benefits you physically and puts you in a proactive mindset to be more careful about what you eat for the rest of the day.

(3) FILL UP ON PROTEIN - A protein packed breakfast of eggs (protein) & smoked salmon (omega 3) will reduce the likelihood of snacking. Go with a decent serving of lamb (rich in protein), plus your standard vegetables for Easter dinner.

(4) MINDLESS EATING - It doesn’t take long to polish off an Easter egg and the accompanying treats when in front of the TV and then say hello to an extra 500 calories. It's easy to get carried away, so beware.

(5) HEALTHY SWAPS - Simple substations can painlessly cut calories. Instead of throwing your eating habits, and sanity upside down, focus on making simple food swaps.

Patience Is A Virtue In So Many Ways

I quickly want to touch on one of the biggest qualities required when embarking on any diet or fitness programme and that is PATIENCE.

When people target permanent weight loss, the quality of PATIENCE is a crucial factor.

Without it, you might find yourself making decisions that lead to taking short cuts and ultimately, long-term disappointment.

The need for instant results is short sighted and problematic. But thats the current world we live in. People want a solution within days, not months, hence why many will go to extreme lengths like juicing diets or firing down pills bought online.

The one thing I often talk about with clients when we discuss eating history and behavioural psychology is SUSTAINABILITY.


Healthy eating has got to be sustainable, otherwise you’ll throw in the towel and potentially rebound binge, undoing all the hard work you did in the first place. Too drastic a diet or too strict with what you can and cannot eat and people will not be able to adhere to it.

Your body is extremely smart and progress is slow whether you want it to be or not. Fat loss is not something that rapidly occurs. There are times when it will move faster than others, but ultimately it is a very slow process.

People often think that when they push things to an extreme, it will accelerate progress. Like under eating or eating an extremely low calorie diet for example. .

The body adapts to the situation it is dealt with. It is not designed to be 5% body fat and below, just like its not designed to be 30% body fat and above.

Yes results will come over time, but they will be gradual and that needs to be expected. Forming new lifestyle habits is the hardest part and also takes time.

To lose weight permanently, you need to rewire your brain, eating preferences and change your relationship and approach to food. That in itself can take significantly longer than a few weeks, or even months. So buckle up and prepare to the long ride, not the short journey.

The Pain That Kicks In The Next Day

The ladies in my Boot Camp class have been working incredibly hard over the past seven weeks and as a result, most if not all have experienced muscle soreness in the days afterwards.

When you exercise intensely, it causes small micro-tears in your muscle tissue, which leads to DOMS (delayed onset of muscle soreness).

It typically develops 12 to 24 hours after a tough workout, and can remain for two or three days.

Symptoms include slight swelling, stiffness, reduced range of motion and increased tenderness in the key muscle groups.

I often get asked if there is anything you can do to reduce this pain and stiffness.

The simple answer is YES. Whilst you can’t stop it from occurring completely, you can certainly take steps afterwards to reduce it.

If you would like to speed up recovery, follow these tips below to help you feel 100% again.

Action plan:

(1) STRETCH: Slow, gentle stretching of the key muscle groups, will relieve that tight feeling and diffuse the pain.

(2) GENTLE MASSAGE: Massaging a sore muscle can help reduce tightness while promoting blood flow, which in turn helps speed up recovery.

(3) FOAM ROLL: Using a foam roller to massage your muscles can significantly reduce DOMS. Spend extra time on tight spots in a smooth and controlled manner.

(4) WARM BATH: Warm water will loosen up tight muscles and improve circulation. Better circulation means more oxygen and nutrient-rich blood being delivered to rescue your aching muscles.

(5) HOT/COLD TREATMENT: Apply an ice pack for 10 minutes, followed by a heat pad for 10, then repeat. It promotes circulation and muscle recuperation.

(6) FIT FUEL: You have got to make sure that you are taking onboard enough healthy proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, all which play important roles in muscle repair.
